Manish AgroIndustries Is One Of The Leading Manufacturers & Exporter Who Provide HighGrade Guar Gum Endosperm And Gum Powder To Different Industries In Many CountryOf The World.
It Has Excellent SolubilityWith Water. It Can Dissolve In Both Hot As Well As Cold Water.
It Has Film FormingProperties.
It Shows Stability In Solutions Across A WideRange Of Ph Values From 5-7
Excellent ThickeningProperties Make It An Efficient Thickening Agent.
Can Give Higher ViscosityEven In Small Quantity.
Shows Resistance To Oils,Solvents And Various Greases.
Excellent Water BindingCapacity.
Efficient Functionality EvenAt Low Temperatures.
Its ability to suspend solids, bind water byhydrogen bonding, control the viscosity of aqueous
Solutions and form strong tough films, haveaccounted for its rapid growth and use in various industries.
Industrial grade Guar Gum is used in Paper, TextileProcessing, Detergents, Drilling Fluids, Ceramics, Paints and many otherindustries.